
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CustomerAccountRewardTierStatus
Physical Name : CO_CT_ACNT_RWD_TR_STS

Indicates the current and prior assignment of a CustomerRewardProgramAccount to a CustomerRewardProgramTier. This tracks the movement of a customer account between different tiers over time so retailers can analyze customer valuation changes over time. Typically this is updated on a periodic basis like month end, quarterly or annually to assess customer portfolio variation over time.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
CustomerMembeshiprProgramAccountID (FK)(PK) Token ID for a CustomerMemberProgramAccount. ID_CT_MBR_PRGM_ACNT Identity integer CustomerMembershipProgramAccount(LE_CT_MBRSHP_PRGM_ACNT)
CustomerRewardProgramTierCode (FK)(PK) A code that represents the relative value of a given CustomerRewardProgramTier CD_CT_RWD_PRGM_TIER Code varchar(20) CustomerMembershipEarnedRewardTier(CO_CT_MBRSHP_ERN_RWD_TIER)
MembershipProgramID (FK)(PK) Token ID for a CustomerRewardProgram instance. ID_CT_MBRSHP_PRGM Identity integer CustomerMembershipEarnedRewardTier(CO_CT_MBRSHP_ERN_RWD_TIER)
LevelNumber (FK)(PK) A whole number that establishes the relative value of a membership program level. The higher the value, the greater the level and its associated rewards and, where applicable, fees. IC_LV_NMB Number integer CustomerMembershipEarnedRewardTier(CO_CT_MBRSHP_ERN_RWD_TIER)
StatusSequencNumber (PK) A sequence number used to capture a customer's program account reward tier status change, This attribute allows multiple occurences of a tier status to be stored over time for time series analysis of customer activity. AI_STS_SQN_NMB Identity integer
EffectiveDate Date a CustomerRewardAccount becomes active. DC_EF_DT EffectiveDate date
ExpirationDate Date a CustomerRewardProgramAccount becomes inactive DC_EP_DT ExpirationDate date
StatusCode Current status of this CustomerRewardProgramAccount Valid values are A Active I Inactive CD_STS Code2Status char(2)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CustomerMembershipEarnedRewardTier defines criteria for membership in CustomerAccountRewardTierStatus
CustomerMembershipProgramAccount is valued based on CustomerAccountRewardTierStatus
CustomerAccountRewardTierStatus earns and redeems ZCustomerRewardLineItem
CustomerAccountRewardTierStatus defines level of CustomerRewardLineItem
CustomerAccountRewardTierStatus earns and redeems ZCustomerRewardEarnedLineItem
CustomerAccountRewardTierStatus earns and redeems ZCustomerRewardRedemptionLineItem

Logical Views containing CustomerAccountRewardTierStatus

Logical View
Logical 01400 - Item Rewards Derivation - Transaction Level
Logical 07010 - Customer Account Information Extended